Thank you everybody for voting, we are pleased to announce that it will be a white Christmas On all 4 Hampshire Regions this year, The results are as follows:
Hampshire Island: Yes 91% No 9%
Middle Hampshire: Yes 100% No 0%
South Hampshire: Yes 100% No 0%
Lower Hampshire: Yes 100% No 0%
Turn Out was Lower than we had hoped, with only 50% of current residents voting, but everybody had equal chance to have their opinion, so the majority wins.
Snow will start arriving during this week (starting 2nd Dec) and will be fully covered by the 8th Dec, Precious will do her best, she has a lot to change so please be Patient. The snow will start thawing out from the 12th Jan.
Thank you again for Voting, We hope you enjoy the snow.
Precious & Bromley