And The Winner Is…..

Posted by: Bromley Baxton in Info Comments Off on And The Winner Is…..

Thank you to everybody that took part, we had a total of 106 entries over the 48 hour period, which was good news for those of you who voted as you had a good chance of winning, So with out Further a do…… the number that was drawn out was 55,

Name entered was Rhyes1 Resident, So you will receive a free weeks rent on your Island Keyhaven, In Hampshire Island. I will add your free 7 days later today (Sunday 28/3/16)

Keep your Eyes peeled, as we may run the competition again, If you have any suggestions about ways we could improve such a feature, i would like to hear them, if you think times of year, or weekdays, or weekends are better, please be apart of how we shape the future of Hampshire, as its a place were you live, and are aim, is to make one of the best places to call home in SL, and for that, we Need YOU!! you can leave any comments here, or on the forum

Thank you for taking part,

Bromley & Precious.



Win A Week

Posted by: Bromley Baxton in Info 2 Comments »


Tomorrow myself and Precious will launch our first competition, we have been overwhelmed by the response to Rural Hampshire, and we want to celebrate with something special, so let’s give something away!

We will open the entry form tomorrow, and the competition will be open for 2 days. How it will work is like so, we will number the entries in order, and at the end, pick a number at random, we are allowing every plot, shop and apartment 4 entries, how you place them is up to you, you can use them in a block, or space them out over the two days. If you have two plots, then you get 4 entries per plot. The winning week is applied to the plot/shop or apartment, so you do not have any advantage by having more than one plot. Enter here:

I will answer any questions you have as soon as I can, hopefully most questions will become obvious when the comp starts. Rules and terms are displayed on the entry page. Our Forum also gets its debut this weekend, so ask any questions you have there, or IM me in world.

Hopefully it will be a little bit of fun, if it works well we may do it again!

thank you for being a part of Hampshire, and we wish you the best of luck.


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