Hampshire Is Evolving

Posted by: Bromley Baxton in Info Add comments

Over the last year, myself and Precious have made many changes to Hampshire, and its five regions, we are constantly reviewing Hampshire to improve the settings you live in, This year Precious has changed all the Landscaping on every region, to keep up with modern trends, and now we are able to change with every season, making our regions, some of the most realistic in Second Life

We have changed the jetties, so they are now more realistic, We have completely over hauled Little London, making our shopping area smaller and more intimate, yet adding more shops, meaning we can offer shops at L$1 per prim, the lowest in Second Life. Our biggest achievement this year is adding our fifth region, Hampshire Coast, Our first beach region, but with a twist, its English Coast, not Miami beach, Pines not Palms, although we won’t rule out palms!

Our Next big change will come in the form of rental boxes, our Hippo’s have been very faithful to us, but sadly they are now dated, this change will not effect you in any way, and will go very unnoticed, The new boxes will offer you a lot more options, being able to pay using PayPal, adding more than one partner, and helping to reducing the lag, more information on this change will come soon.

Thank you very much for staying with us, We look forward to launching the Snow Vote in a couple of weeks, and hope you all Vote!!

Bromley & Precious

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